The New Golden Rule

includes the essay Soul by Richard Booker

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Photo by Luke Stackpoole


by Richard Booker

“Life is truly lived only as direct, immediate, concrete being. God is ever present because God’s presence is ceaseless experience. All that is experienced as sight, sound, taste, touch, smell is one's own Self-substance, Soul. It is only when one consciously lives the experience in the ‘now,’ ‘here,’ ‘this,’ that one lives the life of Soul.

“The life of Soul is the only real world because it is the only state of being that has meaning. In the real world of Soul there is no ‘over the horizon,’ ‘far land,’ ‘remote space,’ ‘tomorrow,’ ‘yesterday.’ True being is now-being, what might be called ‘this-ness’ rather than ‘that-ness.’

“Human experience attests to the importance of the ‘now-here-this’ if any substantial meaning is found in one's life. A promissory note for a thousand dollars is not a thousand dollars. A menu is only an indication of the meal to come; it is not the meal. A music manuscript is not the substance of music; only the actual hearing is the reality.

“Nothing proves the presence of God more than the conscious nowness called the life experience. In fact,

God IS the Now.
AX 7836

“The student might take issue with this statement, claiming that much of one’s experience is anything but divine, being worrisome, painful, lacking in what one thinks to be substance.

[Suffering] is not the absence of Soul.
It is the absence of the consciousness of Soul.
AX 7836

“It is the human habit of living in some other area of beingness, some fictitious time or space such as yesterday or tomorrow, leaving only a hollow identity to enjoy the Now-Soul.

“[The Science of Being] presents no abstract God; it promises the demonstration of concreteness as Soul-being. I live a meaningful life. I go places, I see people, I hear music, I eat dinner. All this is the living and the enjoying of ‘I'—the Soul presence.

[Daily life experience] is not symbolic but actual;
not past or future but of present value.
AX 7836

“The existential error is to ask the question, ‘Why?’ Life continually tells us in all its eloquent ways to continually BE without asking why. Being authenticates itself only by being, because being is strictly individual being and thus the final dualism of life is resolved. Being is self-justified and need not account for itself to any power outside itself.

“Let us constantly devote ourselves to the new golden rule:

Thou shalt tend to your own business
of being yourself
and let others do likewise.
AX 7836

“This would heal all ills, personal, physical or social.”¹


Related Expressions

Your business is Being
conscious identity,
the…Science of Spirit,
the Science of Self.²

— Margaret Laird


God is [divine] Mind.³

All is infinite Mind
and its infinite manifestation.⁴

— Mary Baker Eddy


[Reality] is one unbounded ocean
of consciousness in motion.⁵

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Divine Mind, being All,
can only unfold Itself as Itself to Itself.
This activity constitutes myself. 

All that is ever happening
is Truth unfolding Its infinite Self.⁶

— James A. Neal


We do not think of consciousness
as the effect of God or Mind,
or as produced by God or Mind,

but that God or Mind, in fact, is consciousness,
and there is no other consciousness.⁷

— Martha Wilcox


Consciousness is all there is.⁸

— Dr. Tony Nader


We think of God or Mind or consciousness
as revealing itself to itself,
since there is none outside of itself
or beside itself, to whom it can reveal itself.⁹

— Martha Wilcox


[Mind says,] I AM awareness,
the conscious identity of Being...

Mind might look into a looking glass,
and what Mind would see
is the conscious awareness of itself.
It would be aware of itself.¹⁰

— Margaret Laird


The Absolute only knows itself…
just I AM, just presence...¹¹

— Rupert Spira


There is nothing between
the Science of Being and Being itself:
no dogma, no ritual, no doctrine,
no person, no place, no thing.
Divine Science is fresh, original, vivid, and pure;
it is here, it is now, it is all...¹²

— Ann C. Stewart


The unbounded ocean of pure consciousness
gets to know itself by curving back onto itself…¹³

— Dr. Tony Nader


Self-referral consciousness means
when the consciousness is exploring what is outside,
it is at the same time exploring what is inside…

This is just business.¹⁴

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Mind your own business.¹⁵

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world.
The sun is simply bright.
It does not correct anyone.
Because it shines,
the whole world is full of light.
Transforming yourself is
a means of giving light to the whole world.¹⁶

— Ramana Maharishi


Mind’s self-referral, curving back ‘activity’
is its sole ‘business.’
Mind is always being Being,
hence, Mind always—and eternally—‘minds its own business.’

Likewise, we ‘mind our own business’
as we allow our conscious awareness
to ‘return’ to—to consciously ‘know’—
its unbounded, infinite Self.

This is to Be. Here. Now.¹⁷

— Expressions of Joy


Let this Mind be in you
that was also in Christ Jesus.

— Phillipians 2:5 KJV
(emphasis added)
AX 6885


Waves of the Ocean

[1] Richard Booker, Soul, 05.21.2022  · [one] replaces “he,” [one’s] replaces “his” AX 7836

[2] Margaret Laird, The Laird Letter, January/February 1976, Vol. 23, No. 1, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science), p. 6 AX 7931

[3] Mary Baker Eddy,  · see also: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 465 AX 4112

[4] Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 468 AX 5408

[5] Anna Bonshek, Mirror of Consciousness: Art, Creativity and Veda, (Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2001), p. 66 AX 8216

[6] James A Neal, Man, the Divine Fullness, (Mulberry Press), p. 1 AX 8051

[7] Martha Wilcox, Association Address 1944, (The Bookmark, 1986), p. 29  AX 6260

[8] Dr. Tony Nader, One unbounded ocean of consciousness: Simple answers to the big questions in life, (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Argentina. Kindle Edition), p. 11 AX 5967

[9] Martha Wilcox, Ibid. · [Itself] replaces “Himself” AX 7844

[10] Margaret Laird, 1965 London Seminar, The Institute of Metaphysical Science, AX 7845

[11] Rupert Spira, The Absolute Only Knows Itself, 06.10.2024 AX 7846

[12] Ann C. Stewart, Daily Bread is Fresh Bread, (Talk at Arden Wood, 09.22.2002), 09.25.2022 AX 6857

[13] Dr. Tony Nader, One unbounded ocean of consciousness: Simple answers to the big questions in life, (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Argentina. Kindle Edition.), p. 174 AX 7847

[14] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Highlights of Maharishi's Address to the World Congress of Rajas —The Structure of Total Knowledge, December 30, 2007, 06.12.2024 AX 7848

[15] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Invincible America Assembly Lecture 2006 AX 7849

[16] Annamalai Swami, Living by the Words of Bhagavan, (Sri Satguru Annamalai Swamigal Spiritual Trust, 1994), p. 108 AX 7850

[17] Joy Hirshberg, The New Golden Rule, 06.07.2024 AX 7851

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