Who Is My Other?
In consciousness, there is no other.¹
— Dr. Tony Nader
True brother and sister hood is found
when we have no ‘otherhood.’²
— Richard Booker
Love is the Science,
the discernment—that is, Spirit—in which
there is no “you,” no “other,” no “there,” no “together;”
there is only I as Mind—
the conscious infinitude of existence.³
— Margaret Laird
The one who lives
one’s divinity (God) self-consciously as oneself
lives life as a great adventure.
Having no “other…”
to fear, placate, or please,
one can afford to be oneself,
savoring every event of life as it unfolds.⁴
— Margaret Laird
You cannot think about Mind
or about anything and
expect to demonstrate that
Mind is the source and condition of all existence.
You must think as Mind.
Mind and its idea (thinking) is one
and that one is Mind.⁵
— Bicknell Young
When I touch the transcendent…
I am not only experiencing my own essence;
I am also experiencing yours.
They are not two different essences
that happen to be the same,
they are the One Essence…
Torah does not say,
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself,”
because then you and your neighbor
could be different, even if loved the same.
But recognize that at the deepest level,
you and your neighbor are the One Self.⁶
— David L. Lieberman
In the one’s experience of itself,
there is nothing outside of itself.
Indeed, there is nothing inside of itself.
There is just itself
without an outside or inside.⁷
— Rupert Spira
Forgiveness [is the] the recognition that
ultimately there is nobody there to forgive and
nobody there to be forgiven.⁸
— Rupert Spira
The ultimate form of healing [a patient] is to feel
their being as your being,
that's the real healing.
You're not really healing their body
or even their mind.
You're taking them to their true
You're enabling them to feel the wholeness
that they already are—
not the wholeness
that they're going to become
as a result of your healing.
The wholeness that they already are,
that's the real healing.⁹
— Rupert Spira
The true reality of our existence
is Ein Sof, infinite,
and thus the sense of separate self
that we all have—
the notion that “you” and “I”
are individuals with souls
separate from the rest of the universe—
is not ultimately true.
The self is a phenomenon, an illusion, a mirage.
This view is called “nonduality” (“not-two”),
and it is found at the summit
of nearly every mystical tradition in the world.
Nonduality does not mean we do not exist—
but it does mean we don’t exist as we think we do.¹⁰
— Jay Michaelson
Waves of the Ocean
[1] Dr. Tony Nader, Consciousness Is All There Is, (Hay House LLC, 2024), p. 381 AX 7895
[2] Richard Booker, Notebook 111: The Heart of the Matter, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science, not published), p. 121 · [brother and sisterhood] replaces “brotherhood”
[3] Margaret Laird, Christian Science Re-Explored: A Challenge to Original Thinking, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science, 2010), p. 232
[4] Ibid., p. 274 · [The one] replaces “He,” [one’s] replaces “his,” [oneself] replaces “himself”
[5] Ibid., p. 232
[6] David L. Lieberman, Transcendental Judaism: Enlivening the Eternal
Within to Uplift Ourselves and Our World, (Resource Publications, 2023), p. 23
[7] Rupert Spira, Instagram Short, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9bx44MtWQW/?igsh=MTZ4bXp0OTlneXlkZw%3D%3D 11.05.2024
[8] Rupert Spira, There Is No Body Distinct from Mind Jun 6, 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwqe38v_fzg 09.13.2024
[9] Rupert Spira, Healing Happens Immediately When You Switch Your Focus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UXQpzrEgu0 12.27.2023
[10] Jay Michaelson, Everything Is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism, (Trumpeter Books, 2009), p. 1
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