Pure Prayer: An Overview
All traditions are for self transcendence…
Transcendence of the good-evil binary
by sages is discernible
in all major traditions.¹
Dualistic binary thinking is transcended
in the metaphysical standpoint
as knowing and being become one.²
— Muhammad Maroof Shah
[Mysticism is] the expression
of the innate tendency
of the human spirit
towards complete harmony
with the transcendental order;
Whatever be the [sacred tradition]
under which it is understood.³
— Evelyn Underhill
In other words, [mysticism] is ‘natural’ religion.
Let philosophers call it ‘the Absolute;’
let theologians call it ‘God;’
think of it as Personal Spirit,
think of it as the impersonal ground of Being,
think of it how you choose.
The human spirit moves
by its own intrinsic gravitation towards it,
and this gravitation towards it is Mysticism.⁴
— The Princeton Theological Review
There is no Jewish silence
and Christian silence
and Buddhist silence.
Silence is the one thing
all human beings forever
have always shared.
It's the one thing in our own lives
that never changes.
It was the same when we were kids;
it's the same when we're growing;
it's the same when we're old.
There is a single silence
that we're sharing all the time. ⁵
— Ted Falcon
Accept the truth
from whatever source it comes.⁶
— Old adage, cited by Maimonides
in his Introduction to Tractate Avos
This seven-part series explores the highest and purest prayer found in the teachings of Torah Science, Vedic Science, early Christianity, Sufi Science, the Hasidic Masters, Christian Science, and Metaphysical Science.
Although these sacred traditions are presented roughly in chronological order, when reviewed as a whole, it becomes clear that the Science of Being is timeless and eternal—without beginning, end, or label.
This Science of Being or Spiritual Science, by whatever name, reveals that pure prayer is beyond both words and thoughts. It occurs spontaneously when we settle inward and experience a conscious identity of being.
Here are some terms for pure prayer found in various traditions:
•pure prayer
•true prayer
•inner prayer
•the prayer of quiet
•effective prayer
•metaphysical prayer
•mystical prayer
•scientific prayer
•spiritual prayer
•non-dual prayer
•right knowing
•prayer from the depths
•prayer from the heart
•transcendental prayer
•luminous meditation
Waves of the Ocean
[1] Muhammad Maroof Shah, Ibn Arabi: Mysticism and Interfaith, (Academia.edu), p. 2 https://www.academia.edu/9146501/Ibn_Arabi_and_Interfaith 11.17.2022 AX 7165
[2] Ibid., p. 3 AX 7166
[3] Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism, (Dead Authors Society, 2018), p. xiv · see also: The Princeton Theological Review, (The Princeton University Press, 1914), p. 108 and also: http://www.monasticdialog.org/bulletins/72/soring1.htm 10.08.2024 AX 8022
[4] The Princeton Theological Review, (The Princeton University Press, 1914), p. 108 AX 8062
[5] Rabbi Ted Falcon, Japan, What is Oneness and Unity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BambQGKXqWg 06.07.01 AX 6566
[6] Malka Touger, A Partner In The Dynamic Of Creation: Womanhood in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson / An Overview, http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/partner-in-the-dynamic-of-creation/02.htm#t2 07.31.2001 • See also https://schechter.edu/what-maimonides-means-to-me/#:~:text=Synthesis%20of%20Torah%20and%20secular,the%20Sages%20of%20Montpellier%20(ed. 01.08.2025 and https://archive.org/details/eightchaptersofm00maim/page/36/mode/2up?q=%22accept+the+truth%22 01.08.2025AX 1853
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