“The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”¹
— Kahlil Gibran
Truth always comes from
our own withinness as revelation or inspiration,
and never from another.²
— Margaret Laird
When the student discovers "God"
to be the individual Self-Spirit,
then there is freedom from
all authorities, textbooks, teachers,
organizations, and various experts
as the source of one’s life and knowledge.
“Anyone who has worked in the fields of education or healing knows that the student or patient readily transfers the father-mother image into the teacher or healer. If this is indulged in spiritual Science teaching or healing, it automatically nullifies the healing.
“Looking to any authority outside one’s demonstrated understanding is the basic condition of slavery.”³
— Richard Booker
There is wisdom
that you can't find by seeking,
but only those who seek find it.⁴
— Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami
see also:
That for which we long above all else
cannot be found by seeking,
yet only those who seek find it.⁵
— Rupert Spira referencing Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami
God can never be found by seeking,
yet only seekers find God.⁶
— Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami
Waves of the Ocean
[1] Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet: By Kahlil Gibran - Illustrated (p. 53). Kindle Edition. AX 7646
[2] Margaret Laird, We Are the World We Walk Through, (The Margaret Laird Foundation, 1993), p. xxxi AX 8112
[3] Richard Booker, An Orientation in Spiritual Science, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science), p. 1 AX 7950
[4] Instagram AX 8035
[5] Rupert Spira, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rupert-spira_in-this-episode-of-the-dialogues-on-truth-activity-7259950164272975872-iBZO/ 11.18.2024 AX 8035
[6] David Schiller, God: A Seeker’s Companion, (Workman Publishing, 2005), p. 85 · [God] replaces “Him” AX 8035