Welcome to the writings
Within you’ll find insights and inspirations for practical spirituality.
The Launching Pad for Judaism, Islam and Christianity
Igal Harmelin chronicles the launch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Divine Science Comes Into View
Separate fields are just different perspectives on one underlying reality.
Q & A: The Absolute vs. the Warmed Up Absolulte
While there is no action in the Absolute,
the Principle of action can be located…
Explore Writing By Category
Pure Consciousness, Divine Mind
In [God, divine Mind] we live, and move,
and have our being.— Acts 17:28 KJV
Divine Love, The Glue of The Universe
All work is empty
save when there is Love.— Khalil Gibran
Healing Means Revealing
Effective prayer doesn’t change reality. It reveals reality.
— The Science of Consciousness
The Names and Nature of God
One heart, one way.
— Jeremiah 32:39
Abraham's Tent
The world
is one family-
my family.
— Maha Upanishad
VI. 71-73 -
The Science of Silence
praise.— Psalms 65:2
Alter Translation -
Blissful Building Blog
Except the Lord
build the house,
they labour in vain
that build it.— Psalm 127:1 JPS