
Photo by Ben Mack


God is not in you
in the same sense
that a raisin is in a bun.
That is not unity.
God is in you
as the ocean is in a wave.

The wave is nothing
more nor less than the ocean
expressing as a wave.¹

— Eric Butterworth

You are not a container housing Reality!
You are the action of Reality Self-manifesting.

Your acknowledgement of this fact
puts you in sync with your Self
at a new…level [of conscious awareness.]² 

— Betty Albee

The Bible reminds us 
again and again that we are 
made in the image and likeness of God, 
a spark of the Divine, 
the very emanation of God Himself. 

At-one-ment, then, is
a state which already is, 
not which will be. 

Just as a wave 
can never be separated from the ocean, 
nor a sunbeam ever separated 
from the sun, 
God's man-ifestation—the divine emanation—
can never be separated from its source.³

— Expressions of Joy

It is the knowledge of one’s own perfect nature
as the emanation of God
that fills the heart with unending song.

This is the heavenly status of true being,
to which we here and now have constant recourse.⁴

— Jamae Wolfram Richardson

The spiritual man's consciousness
and individuality are reflections of God.
They are the emanations of [Divinity]
who is Life, Truth, and Love.⁵

— Mary Baker Eddy

You are an emanation 
of that One Ultimate Reality.
Although the sunbeam is not the sun—
either in size or heat—
it is nothing other than the sun; 
so you are not God, 
but you are nothing other than God.⁶

— Sara Yoheved Rigler

Notice how smoothly Creation flows
from the Creator. Effortless—
with no resistance…
In God's act of creation,
there is a unity of thought and action,
of intention and result, of Creator and Creation.

This compelled the Kabbalists,
the Jewish mystical tradition,
to erase all dualism, all separation
between the world and God
and to perceive creation
as a process of emanation…⁷

— Edward Feinstein

Deity was satisfied with Its work.
How could It be otherwise,
since the spiritual creation was the outgrowth,
the emanation, of Its infinite self-containment
and immortal wisdom?⁸  

— Mary Baker Eddy

Discords vanish
when one is understood
to be the emanation of Mind.⁹

— Carl J. Welz


Waves of the Ocean

[1] Eric Butterworth, Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within, (HarperSanFrancisco, 1989), p. 34 AX 6852

[2] Betty Albee, Look to Your Seeing, Rethink Quarterly: Experiencing Conscious Living, January-March 2025, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science), p. 2 [one] replaces “man” AX 8149

[3] Joy Hirshberg, Emanation, expressionsofjoy.com/readexpressions/emanationm AX 8115

[4] Jamae Wolfram Richardson, The Christ—God's self-revelation, The Christian Science Journal, March 1986 AX 6017

[5] Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 336 · [Divinity] replaces “His” AX 4439

[6] Sara Yoheved Rigler, What Happens After You Die, https://aish.com/what-happens-after-you-die/ • 04.30.2022 AX 6877

[7] Edward Feinstein, The Quest for Oneness Yom Kippur 1998, https://www.vbs.org/worship/meet-our-clergy/rabbi-ed-feinstein/sermons/quest-oneness 02.05.2024 AX 7725

[8] Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 518 · [Its] replaces “His,” [It] replaces “He” AX 8117

[9] Carl J. Welz, Emanation, Not Organism, Christian Science Sentinel, April 10, 1965 · [one] replaces “man” AX 7978

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